At the Hospital

In this lesson we will learn new words in Russian on the topic: Hospital.

speak Russian at hospital

In this Russian lesson, you learn the words and get translations and video lessons. Russian words and phrases for visiting the Hospital. In today’s lesson we have a few new words that might happen at the hospital or when visiting a doctor. The words include a lot of useful vocabulary describing the way one might feel, typical medical phrases and prescriptions.

These courses are also ideal for medical professionals who want to learn specific medical Russian vocabulary and expressions used in the Russian medical system. This course encourages participants to share ideas and experiences in order to develop their communication skills in relevant situations and contexts.

While asking someone about their well-being is common when making small talk, being able to talk about ailments becomes invaluable when you need to see a medical professional. Therefore, in this lesson, we learn the Russian vocabulary that allows us to talk about health and health problems.

The best way to learn new vocabulary is to practice. Every time you learn new words, you need to use them to ensure that they become part of your vocabulary. For the best results, practice Russian with a tutor during an online lesson.

New words in Russian

Hospital - Больница

Ambulance - Скорая помощь

Wheelchair - Инвалидное кресло

Plaster cast - Гипсовая повязка

X-ray - Рентген

Maternity home - Роддом

Stethoscope - Стетоскоп

Pulse - Пульс

Shoe covers - Бахилы

Blood - Кровь

Injection - Укол

Inoculation - Прививка

Stretcher - Носилки

Examination couch - Кушетка для осмотра

Hospital bed - Больничная койка

Ward - Палата

Operating room - Операционная