Colors in Russian

In this lesson we will learn new words on the topic: Colours in Russian.

The names of colors in Russian

The names of colors in Russian

One of the first topics to learn when learning a foreign language is the names of colors. That is why we have dedicated this lesson to the subject of Colors in Russian. Russia is sometimes described as a snow-covered country that exists only in shades of grey, but this is far from the truth. The country is known with one of the most colourful architecture in the world, with an iconic appearance, such as St. Basil's Cathedral ( "Храм Василия Блаженного" ). It would be a shame to travel to Russia, to see the beauties around you, but then not be able to describe what you saw. Therefore, learning the subject of the names of colors in Russian is an important first step in learning Russian.

Colors in Russian change their endings based on their gender, according to whether it is singular or plural, and according to the form of a noun which colour is used. This may seem difficult at first, but, as you regularly use the names of colors in Russian in conversation, you will learn to use to the endings over time. In dictionaries,colors in Russian are always marked as masculine. In Russian, the change of color endings by gender and according to using them in singular or plural is as follows:
Masculine: "-ый, -ий" for example: жёлтый - yellow
Feminine: "-ая, -яя" for example: жёлтая - yellow
Neuter: "-ое, -ее" for example: жёлтое - yellow.
In plural - for all genders - "-ые, -ие" for example: жёлтые - yellows.

At the same time, the colours in Russian change their endings depending on the case of the noun which it belongs. If you want to learn Russian at a a high level, you must know how colors in Russian changes their endings:
Masculine: "-ый, -ий" for example: жёлтый
Feminine: "-ая, -яя" for example: жёлтая
Neuter: "-ое, -ее" for example: жёлтое
Masculine: "-его, -ого" for example: жёлтого
Feminine: "-ей, -ой" for example: жёлтая
Neuter: "-его, -ого" for example: жёлтого
Masculine: "-ему, -ому" for example: жёлтому
Feminine: "-ей, -ой" for example: жёлтой
Neuter: "-ему, -ому" for example: жёлтому
Masculine: "-его (-ий), -ого (-ый)" for example: жёлтего
Feminine: "-ую, -юю" for example: жёлтую
Neuter: "-его (-ее), -ого (-ое)" for example: жёлтего
Masculine: "-им, -ым" for example: жёлтым
Feminine: "-ей, -ой" for example: жёлтой
Neuter: "-им, -ым" for example: жёлтым
Masculine: "-ем, -ом" for example: жёлтом
Feminine: "-ей, -ой" for example: жёлтой
Neuter: "-ем, -ом" for example: жёлтом

colours in Russian

Colors in Russian

Colors in Russian are adjectives because they belong to nouns and pronouns. In Russian, adjectives must correspond to nouns and pronouns, so they vary according to gender, quantity, and the case of the noun. For example, if you are talking about five red pencils, then you should use the plural form of red - "красные". You will also need to choose the correct case of the noun.

Remember that learning Russian is not an easy task for foreigners. In this lesson, we learned about one of the most important topics, colors in Russian. You can learn the correct pronunciation and spelling of Russian color names from the following resource.

Writing and pronunciation of Russian color names.

[ цв’`эт ] Colour
[ кр`асный’ ] Red
[ б’`элый’ ] White
[ ж`элтый’ ] Yellow
[ с’`эрый’ ] Grey
[ с’`ин’ий’ ] Blue
[ ар`анжывый’ ] Orange
[ р`озавый’ ] Pink
[ ф’иал’`этавый’ ] Violet
[ ч’`эрный’ ] Black
[ кар’`ич’нивый’ ] Brown
[ з’ил’`эный’ ] Green
[ б’`эжывый’ ] Beige
[ залат`ой’ ] Golden
[ с’ир’ибр’`истый’ ] Silvery

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