Plants in Russian

The Russian language is one of the most beautiful languages in the world, and its beauty lies in its words. By focusing your efforts on learning the most common Russian words, you will become fluent in Russian quickly. One of the most important subjects to learn in the Russian language is the subject of plants in Russian. In everyday speech, we very often use plant names in Russian. That's why we need to learn the vocabulary for plant names in Russian.

plant names in Russian

Historically, Russia can be seen as a herbivorous society. For centuries, Russia's multinational population has used the plants in their daily diet and as a "medical". The properties of eating medicinal plants were largely unknown in other countries. The vast majority of the species included in the Russian pharmacopoeia are used as food by the local population. For this reason, the Russian pharmacopoeia is an important source of information on plant species traditionally used at the intersection of food and medicine. It is also used not only to provide nutrition, but also for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. In short, Russians use plants very often in medicine and self-healing. Therefore, if we are learning Russian, then it is one of the first subjects that we have to learn about plants in Russian.

Plants are an integral part of Russian life. Numerous plant species are used in farming communities, particularly where food is often scarce. Due to the harsh climatic conditions combined with the poor harvest, Russian peasants learned to survive by relying on wild plants. Wild food crops became a priority in the USSR during World War II, especially during the Siege of Leningrad. In 1942, a special reference book on the most important food wild plants of the Leningrad region was published and distributed among the army and the population. Scientists from the Komarov Botanical Institute identified the nutritional and functional properties of thirty-seven plants, the features of the collection and processing of food products. As a result of the economic changes after the Second World War, the active role of wild plants in the ordinary diet has gradually decreased. However, some species are still harvested and produced as food by small companies. In our next lessons on Russian plant names, we will learn the Russian names of these plants.

Plant names in Russian

Plants in Russian

There are many Russian proverbs about plants, since, as we said earlier, Russians are herbivores. We offer you some of them.

Russian proverbs about plants

"Бобы — не грибы, не посеешь – не взойдут." - Beans are not mushrooms, if you don't sow, they won't sprout.

"Домашние цветы долговечнее полевых." - Home flowers are more durable than field flowers.

"Гибкая трава покорна ветру." - Flexible grass is submissive to the wind.

"Дерево под деревом не вырастет." - A tree will not grow under a tree.

"Дерево гнётся, пока молодо." - The tree bends while it is young.

"Когда ствол спокоен, и ветки не качаются." - When the trunk is calm and the branches do not sway.

"Срубленное дерево вновь не вырастет." - A tree that is cut down will not grow back.

Writing and pronunciation of plant names in Russian.

[ раст’`эн’ий’э ] Plant
[ д’`эр’ива ] Tree
[ цв’ит`ы ] Flower
[ й’агада ] Berry
[ к`уст ] Bush
[ трава ] Grass
[ л’`ист ] Leaf
[ в’`этка ] Branch
[ газ`он ] Lawn
[ м`ох ] Moss

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