Furniture in Russian

I hope your seat is comfortable. You can learn Russian sitting in your comfortable armchair. You will find that the list of furniture in Russian is also important. Your enthusiasm for learning the Russian language will continue to grow. For this you will only need to perform the exercises recorded on our site. Pieces of furniture in Russian is our topic today.

Furniture in Russian

Russian vocabulary for furniture

Furniture is an indispensable part of our daily life. Of course, if we want to learn Russian, then we need to learn Russian vocabulary for furniture. In addition to the subject of furniture in Russian, you will need to learn Russian words about the household items in Russian. This lesson has been made with Russian translation of household items and every room in the house.

The subject of furniture in Russian is one of the mandatory when learning a language. Learning the names of furniture in Russian is not difficult, because this topic is very visual. Traditionally, you can divide furniture into rooms for ease of development. Of course, some words will be common for several rooms, that is, furniture can stand both in the living room and in the bedroom. Our task is to cover as many Russian words as possible in the furniture code, dividing them into semantic groups. In the video, we included not only the translated words on furniture in Russian, but also the names of some items that are familiar and necessary in a particular room, if not furniture.

Pieces of furniture in Russian

Furniture in Russian

The topic of furniture in Russian is one of the most common topics to maintain a conversation. It is not difficult to remember pieces of furniture in Russian. It is not enough just to know the names of furniture in Russian. It's also important to be able to talk about where they are in your home. Do not forget to say aloud new words about furniture in Russian. The combination of visual and auditory memory exercises will serve to quickly memorize them.

Proverbs about furniture in Russian

"Даже перед тем как открыть шкаф, сперва постучи." - Even before you open the closet, knock first.

"В шкаф не прячется только тот любовник, который сам как шкаф." - Only the lover who is like a closet does not hide in the closet.

"На двух стульях не усидишь." - You can't sit on two chairs.

"Если женщина — это шкатулка с секретом, тогда мужчина — сундук со сказками." - If a woman is a box of secrets, then a man is a chest of fairy tales. ( The meaning of the proverb is marked that women hide a lot from men, while men tell false tales to women. )

Russian spelling and pronunciation of words on furniture

[ м’`эб’ил’ ] Furniture
[ ст`ол ] Table
[ ст`ул ] Chair
[ п’`ис’м’иный’ ст`ол ] Desk
[ крав`ат’ ] Bed
[ д’ив`ан ] Sofa
[ кн’`ижный’ шк`аф ] Bookcase
[ гард’ир`оп ] Wardrobe
[ кр’`эсла ] Armchair
[ двухй’аруснай’а крав`ат’ ] Bunk bed
[ з’`эркала ] Mirror

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