Birds in Azerbaijani

In this lesson we will learn new words on the topic of: Names of birds in Azerbaijani.

Names of birds in the Azerbaijani language

Names of birds in the Azerbaijani language

In this lesson we will talk about the names of birds in Azerbaijani. The topic of Birds in Azerbaijani, which we will consider today, is one of very broad and widespread topics. Those who want to have a comprehensive and extensive vocabulary knowlidge in the Azerbaijani language, will have to master the lexicon of bird names in the Azerbaijani language. As you increase your vocabulary in every field, you will find it easier to communicate with foreigners everyday conversation.

Names of birds in Azerbaijani is a topic that should be developed and studied by all means in the study of animals and birds. It is better to learn this vocabulary using cards that you can make yourself. Write the word in Azerbaijani on one side of the card and the English translation on the other side. Learn these words before you need to turn the card over and check the translation. This is a proven way to ensure that all vocabulary is deeply engraved in your brain. Remember to review the cards and repeat them regularly after you have read them all and learned all the words written on them.

In addition to the names of birds in the Azerbaijani language, it would be good to know the names of other animals. In this regard, it is advisable to look at the topic of Azerbaijani words on the topic of Domestic animals in Azerbaijani in our previous lessons. You can also learn a dictionary on the topic of marine animals in the Azerbaijani language and wild animals in Azerbaijani language.

Of course, we do not intend to be ornithologists, but you should know the names of the main birds in the Azerbaijani language. Some of their names are the same as in English, so there will be no need to learn the names of such birds, for example: "pelikan" - pelican or "flaminqo" - flamingo etc. Some bird names are named in the Azerbaijani language in accordance with the features of these birds.

So let's take a look at what birds we can find in nature:

Names of birds in the Azerbaijani language

Names of birds in Azerbaijani

Sayings and proverbs about birds in the Azerbaijani language

"Qarğa özünü quş bilir." - The crow knows himself as a bird. ( This proverb is used to express not the dignity of someone to any particular group or specialization in society. )

"Qurdun sayəsində quş da doyur." - Thanks to the wolf, the bird is also fed.

"Quş var ətin yeyərlər, quş var ət yedirdərlər." - There are birds that eatable, and there are birds that eat meat. ( It is a proverb used to compare what is useful and what is useless. )

"Bayquşun dalınca düşən xarabalığa gedib çıxar." - He goes after the owl he will reach to the ruins.

"Bayquşdan xeyir gəlsəydi onu da ovlayardılar. - If the owl was usefull, they would hunt it too.

"Sərçəni bülbül adına satır." - He sells the sparrow like a nightingale. (This is a proverb used for people who cheat and deceive people.)

"Sərçədən qorxan darı əkməz." - Who is afraid of sparrows he does not plant millet.

"Bülbül qarğa yuvasında da böyüyə bilər, ancaq qarıldamağı öyrənə bilməz." - A nightingale can also grow in a crow's nest, but it cannot learn to croak.

"Qarğanın uçmadığı yer qalmayıb, heç yerdə də onu qartal sayan olmayıb." - There is no place where a crow does not fly, and no one considers it an eagle.

"Qırıq qanadla qartal da uça bilməz." - With a broken wing even an eagle cannot fly.

"Qarğa, qarğa, məndə qoz var." - Crow, crow, I have a nut. ( This proverb is used to warn someone to keep their mouth shut.)

Spelling and pronunciation of bird names in Azerbaijani.


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